Wednesday, October 23, 2024



  • Little Moses and his mother-- Egyptian mother that is. Hatshepsut.
  • Mortuary for Hatshepsut Built by Moses for his Egyptian mother.
  • Ostracon of Moses Senmut was his Egyptian name when he was young .
  • Painting of Moses As young man.
  • Ostracon of Moses When he was young.
  • Statue of Moses This was made when he was about 38 years old just before he had to flee Pharaoh for killing an Egyptian.
  • First born son of Exodus Pharaoh Tutankamun, King Tut. The first born son of the head Pharaoh. He died that night of the Passover. His father was not first born because he killed his brother to become Pharaoh.
  • King Tut First born son of the Exodus Pharaoh.
  • Neweiba%20aerial
  • parting red sea
  • Nuweiba Beach This is where Moses parted the Red Sea. West side of Red Sea.
  • Solomon's column Another view of column that Solomon had placed here because he believed this was the Red Sea crossing site of Moses.
  • Solomon's Column Put in this area by Solomon to denote where Moses crossed the Red Sea. It was laying in the water and the Israeli's erected here.
  • Red Sea Crossing Site Looking across the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai.
  • Map of actual route of Exodus
  • Red Sea Crossing Site Land bridge from Nuweiba to Saudi Arabia.
  • Red Sea Crossing Site Showing land bridge from Nuweiba beach to Saudi Arabia.
  • Ancient Egyptian Chariot Like the ones at the time of the Exodus.
  • Horse hoof
  • Gold Chariot Wheel Found at the Red Sea Crossing Site.
  • Coral encrusted chariot wheel
  • Coral encrusted chariot wheel Located on Saudi Arabian side to Red Sea Crossing site.
  • Human femur